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Lector: Prof. univ. dr. Prof. dr. Radu CHEREJI

Data de începere curs: 16.09.2022

Cursul își propune o analiză individualizată a conflictelor de tip bottom up. Cursul are un pronunțat caracter utilizând ca și metode de predare studiul de caz, discuțiile de grup, experiențele personale, simulări și jocuri de rol.

Durata cursului: 16.09.2022-17.09.2022

Data evaluării: 17.09.2022

Data acordării atestatelor: 20.09.2022

Taxă curs: 50 euro/243 lei

Effective Conflict Resolution

“An eye for an eye will makes the whole world blind” Mahatma Gandhi

The overall purpose of this course is to go at the lowest level of analysis, the individual level, and start building the understanding of conflict from bottom-up. It endeavours to focus on the individual-level analysis of factors, forces and concepts that shape the occurrence and unfolding of conflict and then present the different paths toward resolution. The course is eminently practical, using case studies, group discussions, personal experiences, simulations and roles plays to help the participants acquire the fundamental knowledge concerning conflicts and the major methods of their resolution.

 Goals of this class:

❖ to bring all participants to a common comprehensive definition of conflict and its key concepts

❖ to cast awareness of the hidden, intricate connection between inner and outer conflicts along with the conditionality of conflict occurrence on the quad grievance-identity-blame-power

❖ to help the participants develop a “spatial” view of conflict, defined by the triad cognition-emotion-behavior

❖ to develop the participants’ ability of matching phases of conflict with the appropriate instruments and tools of intervention

❖ to clarify the distinctions between different methods of conflict resolution and build the participants’ ability of choosing the appropriate method of resolution

❖ to enhance participants’ capacity of connecting all elements of conflict into one holistic understanding of the phenomenon, together with the tools to resolve it effectively, constructively and peacefully.

6 modules, 12 hours of effective training, 16 hours in total (including introduction, breaks and wrap-up final session)

cost – 50 EUR/participant; to be organized online, in a format depending on the requirements of the participants.

For enrollment:

  1. application form
  2. copy of your ID card
  3. proof of payment


Lead trainer – Christian Radu Chereji

Christian-Radu Chereji has been teaching negotiation, mediation and conflict management for almost 25 years at FSPAC. He is the director and founder of the Conflict Studies Center at Babes-Bolyai University, România, and coordinator of the international master’s program Conflict Analysis and Management. He has conducted research and training projects in negotiation and mediation in Albania, Greece, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Romania, Turkey, Uganda and the United States. He is an internationally certified mediator with expertise in organizational and community disputes resolution. Together with his partners at the Transylvanian Mediation Institute he has trained over 700 mediators. He is the editor of the academic journal Conflict Studies Quarterly and has published several studies on traditional methods of conflict resolution.

Module 1 

Fundamentals of conflict resolution 

This first module explores the dynamics of conflict, how simple disagreements and misunderstandings turn into violent fights and breaking of relationships and what are the most common causes of conflict, focusing on people, problems and processes. We will also learn how to identify early signs of conflict emergence and simple techniques to diffuse tensions and prevent conflict escalation.

Module 2

Structural elements of conflict resolution – paths and principles

There are three paths to deal with conflict – a. a power based approach; b. a rights based approach and c. an interest based approach. In this module we will describe, illustrate and analyze each path, identifying the pros and cons for each one and how a skillful operator can help parties move from one type of approach to another, paving the ways for a constructive conflict resolution. 

What makes the difference between professionals of conflict resolution and other people is the fact that they base their approach on fundamental principles that guide their actions and their choice of techniques and tools. We will identify the principles and then we will use case studies and exercises to highlight the importance of each one for a sound and effective conflict resolution. We will talk about honesty, self-determination, confidentiality, neutrality, impartiality and transparence.

Module 3

Skills for Conflict Resolution 

No matter what method of conflict resolution we choose, there is a common set of skills we need to acquire and practice to perfection. We are talking here about creative thinking (out-of-the-box thinking), empathy, moderation, self-control and last, but of extreme importance, do no harm! We will illustrate these skills by use of case studies and then we’ll start practicing them through the next modules of the course.

Everything in conflict resolution is about effective communication – as a matter of fact, conflict resolution is communication. Through exercises and role-plays, we will go through the constitutive elements of active listening – questioning, summarizing, re-phrasing – and we will practice them through simulations of real-life situations.

Module 4 

Techniques of conflict resolution (1) – facilitation

In its essence, facilitation is the technique to help a group of people making sound and timely decisions regarding issues of common interest. It is also the basic intervention that can be made by an outsider to assist and guide two or more parties deal with their conflict and come to a durable and mutually convenient solution. Facilitation is, basically, a soft mediation and a mandatory tool in the arsenal of the conflict manager. We will use case studies and participants’ own experience to illustrate the paths taken by the facilitator, the tactics they use and what are the advantages and limitations of this technique.

Module 5

Techniques of conflict resolution (2) – the process of mediation

We go a step further and begin to investigate how mediation is different than facilitation and what makes it effective. We are going to define mediation and then to go, step by step, through the phases of mediation as a process, using real case studies and participants’ own experience. From initiation to closure, the mediation process will be revealed and, in the same time, various tactics and instruments that mediators use to make parties move on with their conflict resolution will be described and exemplified.

Module 6

Techniques of conflict resolution (3) – the role of the mediator

While dealing with conflicts on our own was referred to in our professional negotiation courses, the role of the mediator was largely left outside, as there is a special course dedicated to basic mediation training. Here, we will look at the special set of skills that the mediator has to acquire in order to help conflicting parties build a solid, durable agreement and settle the conflict in a mutually profitable way. At the end of the module, the advantages and limitations of mediation will be discussed and advice will be given about when to use mediation and when not.