
Prof. univ. dr. Oana David
Drd. Psiholog loana luga
Dr. Psiholog Roxana Oltean
Drd. Psiholog Cristina Tomoiaga

Data de începere curs : 13.10.2023

Cursul va oferi un cadru de înțelegere a dimensiunii psihosociale a migratiei și strămutărilor pe baza principiilor etice, abordărilor și instrumentelor asociate cu sprijinul psihosocial, în principal Ghidurile IASC relevante și Manualul OIM privind MHPSS în situații de urgență și deportări. Cursul este deschis pentru cetățeni români, moldoveni, ucraineni și polonezi.


Număr total ore: 85

Durata cursului: 13.10.2023-10.12.2023

Data evaluării: 10.12.2023

Data acordării atestatelor: 22.12.2023

Taxa: 0 lei


Mental health is „a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” (WHO 2002). Vulnerable migration, forced migration, and displacement due to war, conflict, insecurity, natural disasters, and human rights violations are often accompanied by stressors that are not to be considered „normal” and can be accompanied by a temporary limitation of the capacity to cope. Moreover, in these situations, the capacity of individuals to contribute to their communities is hampered by the general redefinition of community identities and by the lack of opportunities allowing this contribution to happen. The temporary inability to cope with un- normal stresses or the impossibility to contribute to community life when conditions for this are not created is not associated with mental disorders by default, and mental well-being is a larger concept than the absence of mental disorders. Psychosocial support activities, therefore, look at the interconnectedness of individual psychological states, socioeconomic factors, social interactions, and the cultural constructs around this relation. Migration generally requires major adaptations, as people need to redefine personal, interpersonal, socio-economic, and cultural boundaries. This implies a redefinition of individual, familial, group, and collective identities, roles, and value systems, and may represent an upheaval and a source of stress for the individual, the family, and the communities involved. Providing psychosocial assistance and programs to migrant, displaced, and crisis-affected populations in educational, cultural, community, religious, and primary health settings may reduce psychosocial vulnerabilities, and prevent their stagnation, which may in turn result in social pathologies, community risks, and individual mental disorders. However, systems of reception, integration, and assistance to migrants are often psychosocial-blind and not difference oriented, which enhances people’s vulnerability. Thus, it is important that migration processes and procedures are accompanied whenever possible by consideration of the psychosocial needs of migrants. Prevention of long-term individual pathologies and social unrest requires that all migration assistance is cognizant of psychosocial factors and incidences during all steps of the migration process (pre­departure-movement-arrival-settlement-integration-return).

The first weekend, in presence- 13-15 October 2023

  1. Team building and setting objectives (4 hours; Oana David & Ioana Iuga, UBB)
  2. Legal frameworks (basics of humanitarian law, refugee and asylum law, migration law, mental health law, and policies) (3 hours; Mircea Bob Bocșan, UBB & IOM IML)
  3. PFA (8 hours, Cristina Tomoiagă, UBB)

The second weekend, remote -27-29 October 2023

  • International standards: the IASC Guidelines o MHPSS, MHPSS in migration management (4 hours; MHPSS coordinator the region, IOM HQ Heide Rieder & Carmen Valle-Trabadelo)
  • Assessment and Mapping (5 hours; IASC coordinator for Romania; Heide Rieder & Carmen Valle-Trabadelo)
  • MEAL in MHPSS (2 hours; Rebecca Horn, University of Edinburgh)

Third weekend, in presence- 10-12 November 2023 

  • Community and family support, working with groups and engaging communities (12 hours; IOM HQ Guglielmo Schinina’ & Andreea Loredana Tudorache, A. R. T Fusion Association-Romania)

Fourth weekend, remote- 24-26 November 2023

  • Translation, interpretation, cultural mediation, and community bridges (2 hours; Roxana Oltean, UBB)
  • Lay Counselling and psychological interventions (5 hours; MHPSS coordinator for Romania; Oana David & Ioana Iuga, UBB; UNICEF MHPS representative)
  • Care for people with severe mental disorders on the move (5 hours; IOM HQ-Guglielmo Schinina’, IOM Ukraine-Hatem Marzouk)

Final weekend, in presence- 08-10 December 2023

  1. Concepts and models of MHPSS in migration and displacement (8 hours; IOM HQ Guglielmo Schinina’)
  2. Participatory evaluation (1 hour; Ioana Iuga, UBB)
  3. Fieldwork discussion (1 hour each, Ioana Iuga, UBB)